Welcome to the California Film Commission!
The California Film Commission is your one-stop resource for film, TV, and commercial production across the Golden State. California is home to the entertainment industry … and for good reason. We have the best weather (315 days of sunshine), wildly diverse locations (from 840 miles of coastline to vast desert sand dunes), highly skilled crews and the best production infrastructure.
Our vast array of tools and resources will help you navigate all sorts of production issues, from work permits to on-set safety. Find links and contact info for relevant government agencies, industry associations, guilds and unions, production directories, entertainment job listings and more. Find useful charts for studio zones weather and college locations to name a few.
We look forward to helping you make your next project in California a success!
Message from the Executive Director
Welcome to the California Film Commission
On October 27, 2024, Governor Gavin Newsom proposed an unprecedented expansion of California’s Film & Television Tax Credit Program, increasing the current $330 million annual allocation to $750 million. This ambitious proposal reaffirms California’s status as the world’s media production capital, aiming to generate thousands of good middle-class jobs, and strengthen the state’s iconic film and television industry.
Since its inception in 2009, California’s Film and Television Tax Credit Program has generated over $26 billion in economic activity and supported more than 197,000 cast and crew jobs statewide. The program has consistently driven economic growth, contributing to a creative ecosystem that powers production employment, tourism, and California’s renowned creative spirit.
Looking ahead, we are preparing to launch the fourth iteration of our tax credit program, known as Program 4.0, on July 1, 2025. This program, enabled by the Governor’s five-year extension signed into law in 2023, will introduce refundable tax credits, generating more jobs, spending, and opportunity across the state. With an enhanced focus on workforce diversity, Program 4.0 includes a new Diversity Workplan provision and increased training funds for the Career Pathways Program, helping to address barriers to career access and create pathways for underrepresented communities. Additionally, it introduces the nation’s first Safety on Production Pilot Program and establishes new safety regulations, setting new safety standards to protect everyone on set.
Our team is also ready to provide comprehensive support for productions, from location assistance and permitting to production coordination. We are dedicated to supporting projects of all sizes and budgets, and we’re here to make your next production in California a success.
Colleen Bell, Director
California Film Commission

Filmmaker Feedback
California Film Commission
7080 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 900
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Tel: 323.860.2960 | 800.858.4749
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